Insidious Meme

Insidious Meme

Insidious Meme

Old Blog Post

Post-Authoritative World: Relearning in the Age of Information

We live in a post-authoritative world. Today, there is no single authority to provide definitive answers. The responsibility falls on individuals to research, critically analyze, and reconcile new information with what they already know.

If new information contradicts your existing knowledge, you may need to reconsider and possibly relearn, as futurist Alvin Toffler famously stated:

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”

Consider the sources of your knowledge. Was it acquired from a school textbook? Who authored and published that textbook? Were there biases or agendas influencing its content? It's important to recognize that the selection of school materials is often guided by the State Education Board, which may have its own set of priorities. Additionally, the Department of Education enforces guidelines and allocates funding, often with specific conditions attached.

Museums also curate their exhibits with particular narratives in mind. For instance, the Smithsonian Institution, a government-funded organization, inevitably aligns its presentations with certain governmental perspectives. Similarly, books, media outlets, and social media platforms all carry inherent agendas. The collaboration between the government and social media companies, which has led to concerns about digital authoritarianism, exemplifies this trend.

With so much information accessible, it's easy to fall into the trap of relying on familiar knowledge. But true open-mindedness involves being receptive to both new and old facts, as well as diverse ideas and perspectives.

Ask yourself: Are you truly open to learning? Or are you simply repeating what you’ve been taught? The next time you struggle to remember something as trivial as what you had for lunch last Thursday, consider the possibility that our memory and understanding are more fragile and selective than we realize.

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#catastrophes #Earth #galacticAstrophysics #astrophysicalPlasma #solarMicronova #ParkerPlasma #magneticFields #sun #currentSheet #galacticWeather #densityComponent #novaEvent #extinctions #meteors #glaciation #magneticReversals #novaIsotopes #electromagneticEvents #solarWind #cycle #magneticField #reversing #coveredUp #movie #playlist #Earth #CyclicalEvents #Catastrophes #MagneticShifts #Millennia #MagneticField #Reversal #Upheavals #Sun #Micronova #GeologicalEvidence #Crust #Mantle #TectonicShifts #VolcanicEruptions #Tsunamis #TemperatureDrop #History #1700s #1900s #CharlesHapgood #Theory #CIA #Involvement #Classified #BenDavidson #SpaceWeatherNews #ClimateScience #Foundations #BaseModels #Assumptions #Flaws #TotalSolarIrradiance #SunInfluence #EnergySurges #SolarFlares #HumanFactors #SolarForcing #EnergyWaves #SolarWind #MagneticConnections #CosmicRays #Supernovae #DistantEvents #ClimateChange #ShakyFoundations #ComprehensiveApproach #Critique #Reliance #TSI #DarkMatter #Gravity #SubatomicParticles #Xenon #Argon #Detectors #Supersymmetry #NewtonsLaws #CosmicScales #Universe #GravitationalEffects #CMB #Cosmology #EarlyGalaxies #DustProcesses #EarlyStars #Challenges #StandardModel #Influence #Radiation #Temperature #Recombination #Diffraction #NMR #Spectroscopy

The Corbett Report - Your Guide To 5th-Generation Warfare - 09-18-2023

Video Transcription

#FifthGenerationWarfare #GlobalWar #Perception #Information #Technology #Control #JamesCorbett #TreatyOfWestphalia #PsychologicalOperations #NeurologicalWarfare #BiologicalWarfare #Governments #Population #MindControl #Neuralink #GMO #EconomicWarfare #Ukraine #ModernWarfare #BrainTarget #NeuroWeapons #Infowar #Propaganda #Neuroscience #Genome #Environment #FoodSupply #DigitalCurrencies #BlackRock #NATO #StateControl #Military #Civilian #GlobalConflict #TechDominance

The Hidden History Of The Evil Khazarian Mafia | Sarah Westall - 10-03-2023

Transcription of Video

The term "Khazarian Mafia" refers to a group originating from the 8th century Khazarian Empire, accused of harmful practices and seeking global dominance. Allegedly continuing sinister activities like child sacrifice after adopting Judaism, they are said to control information, suppress rights, and influence governments. The group purportedly targets Jewish and white populations and is overrepresented in influential sectors. The document highlights confusion regarding their actions, as they seem to target both the Jewish population and use the US as their base while allegedly attacking it.

#KhazarianMafia #GlobalDominance #Censorship #Influence #GovernmentControl #SecretWar #Judaism #ChildSacrifice #InformationControl #FirstAmendment #RightsSuppression #WhiteRace #JewishPopulation #Ukraine #Kazakhstan #8thCentury #IdentityTheft #ToxicBehavior #Predatory #HistoryErasure #MediaControl #SupremeCourt #DepartmentOfJustice #MilitaryUse #Confusion #Targeting #Abolishing #Exploitation #OpenSociety #Wealth #Power #Control #Manipulation #Deception #Suppression

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    Last modified: August 31, 2024